Space Saving Rowing Machine (Easy Storage)

Space Saving Rowing Machine

This is the space saving rowing machine that provides a full-body workout at home, but with one huge advantage – easy storage. It does not crowd your living space.

Space Saving Rowing Machine

Main features include:

  • smooth hydraulics
  • five resistance levels
  • padded handlebars and seat
  • pivoting pedals
  • hook-and-loop fasteners to secure the feet
  • digital monitor to track duration, pace, and calories burned
  • solid steel frame
  • rubberized legs to prevent wobbling
  • small footprint
  • stands on end for easy storage

See also this amazing folding, wooden water rowing machine!

folding indoor exercise rowing machine

Because it’s not dependent on electricity, you can use it anywhere in your home. It simulates very closely the actual motion of rowing.

Its lightweight construction, just 27 lbs, enables easy relocation.

rowing machine for small spaces

This rowing machine supports up to 250 lbs.

Rowing Machine Easy Storage

People are really impressed with its high quality construction and the amazing space saving design.

There is really no reason at all to buy some expensive exercise equipment. This well-priced rower is all you need. It works quietly and smoothly.

I highly recommend it to people of all ages, both men and women. You can’t beat the price and the size.

At the time of writing this article, there are 196 reviews: 135 5 star reviews and 47 4 star reviews. Click here to read them.

Rowing Machine Benefits


If you’ve been wondering what piece of gym equipment can remarkably help you obtain your fitness goals, keep reading.

Here we will discuss the many benefits of the rowing machine and why it’s the only equipment you’ll ever need to achieve your dream body.

Make sure to read the whole article because we will also reveal how the rowing machine fares against two other common exercise machines.

The following reasons will convince you to hop onto a rowing machine right away.

First, it’s a full body workout. There’s a common misconception that the rowing machine is a workout only for the arms. The truth it’s a workout that uses 86 percent of your body’s muscles. You’re using 60 percent legs, 30 percent body and 10 percent arms.

The rowing machine targets the following muscle groups:

  • upper back
  • pecs
  • arms
  • abdominal muscles
  • quadriceps
  • calves
  • glutes
  • oblique muscles

That’s a lot of muscles. On top of that, the rowing machine involves cardio and strength building at the same time. It’s a true full body workout that no other gym equipment can rival.

It improves your posture.

If done correctly rowing can improve your posture.

The first part of the rowing motion should be done by your legs. Towards the end of the drive, use your glutes and back muscles to bring in extra force. Pull in an upright position, don’t slouch or over compress.

The rowing machine forces your body to conform to an ideal posture while exercising.

It is affordable.

There are high-end rowing machines that can be very expensive, but you can easily find basic rowing machines that are super affordable. For as low as $200, you can find terrific models that offer extensive features. You don’t need to sacrifice quality and break the bank to get good exercise.

Space saving model costs just $170!

It is convenient.

It’s beneficial even if you don’t live on the water with a rowing boat by your docks.

The rowing machine offers a dependable rower that you can use in the comfort and convenience of your home.

Compared to other exercise machines that are intimidating and complicated to operate, it only requires simple and accessible technique to perform.

It’s low impact.

It’s a very inclusive workout. I saw results pretty immediately, just in my strength alone and then in my lung capacity. It’s non-weight-bearing because you’re in a seated position. So anybody of any age and fitness level is going to be able to do this.

It can be meditative.

The rowing machine involves the following four phases of the row stroke:

  • the catch
  • the drive
  • the finish
  • the recovery

All these phases require a tremendous mind-body connection. The smooth gliding motion can produce the most calming benefits.

The repetitive motion allows your mind to go on autopilot. Let go of unnecessary thoughts, so you can achieve that feeling of restfulness.

Rowing also releases endorphins, the feel good hormones, that help reduce your stress.

It is great for weight loss.

Regular workouts on a rowing machine can help burn calories, tone your muscles and give you increased energy.

Combined with a healthy and balanced diet, it’s a great way to achieve your fitness goals.

When used correctly, this machine can help you burn more calories than any other exercise equipment on the market.

It’s easy to use.

Great news for beginners. The rowing machine is easy to use. You won’t need hours to master it. It’s simple to learn and it’s ideal for all ages.

Just make sure you’re using proper rowing technique while exercising to minimize potential injury and maximize the workout benefits.

Keep your feet securely fastened in the stirrups and your shins close to a 90 degree angle with the floor

It’s best to keep your back straight and your core engaged.

Lastly be sure to row in a smooth fluid motion. You’ll get the hang of this proper rowing technique easily and quickly.

Those are the wonderful benefits of the rowing machine.

Now let’s look how the rowing machine fares when compared to the treadmill or elliptical, two common exercise machines.

See Best Home Exercise Equipment

Rowing Machine vs Treadmill and Elliptical

More workouts done.

The rowing machine is often overlooked in the gym, but compared to the treadmill or the elliptical, it is only the rowing machine that offers upper and lower body workout, while also toning your abs with each stroke.

Easy to store.

Compared to the bulky treadmill and the elliptical, the rowing machine edges them out, because it can be folded. This makes it easy to stow away when you’re not using it.

It’s quiet.

The rowing machine is also much quieter than the other two. It’s the most ideal to use in a condo or apartment where other people are living below you or in close proximity to where you have
it set up.

The most affordable.

Of the three, the rowing machine also tends to be the most affordable. No need to break the bank to get a good exercise.

For as low as two hundred dollars, you can purchase a decent rowing machine with lots of great features. Again, space saving model costs just $170!

As you can see, the rowing machine is simply the only exercise equipment you really need.

Space Saving Rowing Machine (Easy Storage)
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