Best Snore Prevention Device – Smart Nora Review

Snore Prevention Device

Nora is a smart snore prevention device that you want to have in your bed!

The Smart Nora is one of the newest anti snoring products on the market and it has tremendous demand from consumers.

Snore Prevention Device

It is a multi component smart listening device that sits next to your bed. As you sleep, it listens using a device called a Pebble.

When snoring is detected it inflates and raises your pillow slightly to adjust head position.

That adjustment is what resets your breathing. A slightly inclined head has been shown to open the airway and improve snoring. The Nora then gently lowers your head back into a comfortable position.

This is like a spouse or a partner giving the snorer the elbow or turning them onto their side.

It stops the snoring for several minutes or longer. If snoring starts up again, the Nora simply inflates a second time.

Smart Nora, The Smart Snoring Solution

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Here is what you get in the box.

First the user manual. It includes setup, step by step, and there’s also a what to expect section with a reminder that it takes four to seven nights to adjust to the pillow movement. The manual also has features of the device plus how to troubleshoot any problems.

Next is the main Nora engine. It is a round white egg. This is the Pebble and its overhead mount is included as well.


The mount contains a self-adhesive sticker on the back so it can be positioned on a head board. The recommended distance from your head to the Pebble is four inches so that it can hear the snoring.

The Pebble is wireless and has two lights on the front. Turn it on and if you see flashing light that shows you that it’s a wireless connectivity or connection. At the bottom is another light and this will tell you when the Nora needs to be recharged.

There’s the USB cable to plug in the front for charging on the Pebble.

device to prevent snoring

On the back of the Pebble, there are the controls. The middle is the sensitivity and it can be set into one of five positions. Low sensitivity will pick up the loudest snoring only and ignore all other sounds. High sensitivity will pick up mild snoring but it will hear other sounds, such as a fan or a heater. High sensitivity may cause the Nora to inflate too often during the night.

There’s also an on/off switch. Off position locks the the Pebble and disables it.

Next inside the Nora case is a white flat insert. A clear plastic tube is permanently connected on the side. This white insert is what you slide under your pillow, between the pillow case and the pillow. The tube is what inflates or raises the pillow when it hears snoring.

stop snoring solution

On the main Nora engine, there is a white control box with an on/off, in a low and medium or high setting for how large the insert is inflated. A high setting raises your head the most.

Here is how to set up this snore prevention product.

First take the plastic tube and you’re going to insert it into the side of the white control box. Then you’re going to connect the USB cable.

First connect it to the egg and there’s an opening at the end for the USB cable and then the other part of the USB cable actually goes inside the Nora control box. There’s a opening for a USB cable.

There’s also an opening to actually plug the Nora device into the wall in order to be able to have power.

And then you turn the Pebble on and then you need to let the Pebble charge, which takes about three to four hours. After that, slide the white insert into your pillowcase and then you’re ready to go.

On the egg itself, at the bottom, there is a Bluetooth button and what this does it allows you to test the inflating.

Jon's Smart Nora Review

So the egg is the listener. It is listening for the earliest sound of snoring and as soon as your snoring is about to get just loud enough to wake up your partner, the padded insert that is sitting under your pillow, slowly inflates and rises up.

Basically that’s slow motion that does the trick. So it tilts the snorer’s head enough to open the airways again and stop the snoring.

The idea is that if you’re sleeping on your back, the position that most people snore in, you don’t start snoring until your muscles in the upper throat have relaxed and your airway collapses a little.

snoring aid that works

So if we could stimulate those same muscles to go back a little and open up the airway, the snoring stops. So it’s not about one magical position, it’s about this slow movement up and down.

How quickly does it work?

I heard it’s been so successful that the people in trials did not want to give it back, they wanted to hold on to it and keep using it.

It’s not about how quickly it works. It is that throughout the night it doesn’t let snoring to become loud enough to wake up your partner. So you are not actually waiting for you to go into your full-on snoring, you’re actually keeping it at bay and interrupting it right before a human ear picks it up.

If you sleep with a snorer, you are going to love the Smart Nora!” – Oprah in O, The Oprah Magazine.

This product has been included on Oprah’s Favorite Things List 2017, and featured in national and international press, including TIME, Good Morning America, TODAY and BBC News.

Does Smart Nora Really Work? (Customer Reviews)

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Why Do People Snore? What Causes Snoring in Men and Women?

Statistics show that about 45% of men and 30% of women snore when they sleep. Buy why do people snore? There are many causes that make people produce loud noise at night. Here are some of them:

Sleeping position. This is the most important thing. Many studies have discovered that sleeping on the back triggers snoring. This usually does not happen when you sleep on the side. When you sleep on the back, gravity makes your tongue and soft palate to collapse into the throat. This narrows the airway, causing obstruction. When you go on your side, there is less chance of collapse.

Mouth breathing. If you sleep with your mouth open you are going to snore. It this case, the air you breath strikes the back of the throat with full force, creating huge vibrations in the soft tissue. When you breath in through the nose, no turbulence are created. Nasal stuffiness and small or collapsing nostrils can make people to become mouth breathers.

Obesity and lack of exercise. This will cause the accumulation of fat around the throat. When you have a big collar size, you have the narrow airway that is very prone to vibration. This means that you do not have normal breathing; you lack the muscle tone that is crucial for keeping the airway open sufficiently. This happens more in men than in women. Unlike female persons, males tend to get fat around their necks. Just a few kilograms is enough to cause snoring.

Alcohol and sedatives. If you drink alcohol four hours before going to bed, you are more likely to snore. It causes the additional relaxation of the body muscles. This includes the oropharynx – it easily collapses causing snoring. Also, alcohol can irritate nasal airway and lead to congestion, making the airway resistance when breathing. The same happens when you take a sedative.

Cigarette smoking. When you smoke, the lining of the nasal cavity and throat are irritated, resulting in swelling and catarrh. Nasal passage congestion also takes place. This makes breathing through your nose more difficult because the airflow is reduced. The more you smoke, the more likely you will snore at night. Even second-hand smoke can cause these problems.

Type of Snoring Reveals Why You Snore

Finding out how you snore will reveal why you are snoring. Once you know the cause, you can get proper remedy.

  • Closed-mouth snoring means you have a problem with your tongue.
  • Open-mouth snoring indicates an issue with the tissues in your throat.
  • Snoring in all sleep positions is more serious and demands a more in depth cure.

Where Snore Comes From

In this video you will find out about anatomic parts in the upper airway where snoring occurs:

A very common cause of snoring is the vibration of the soft palate or a very long uvula. The back of the tongue can also vibrate causing a snore. Source of snores can be voice box itself.

It is possible that multiple areas obstruct and vibrate, including septum, turbinates, nasal polyps, large adenoids, soft palate, uvula, tongue, back of tongue, lateral walls of the throat, epiglottis, arytenoids, false and true vocal cords.

Natural Ways to Stop Snoring

To naturally treat your snoring, lifestyle changes are very important. These remedies are able to prevent snoring in some people.

The natural methods of stopping loud snore include:

  • sleeping on your side
  • losing weight
  • avoiding alcohol
  • opening nasal passages
  • changing pillows
  • straying hydrated
  • quit smoking
  • using a humidifier
  • repositioning in bed
  • exercising your throat

Try one remedy at a time and see how it affects your snores. If one of these home cures relieve you from the problem, than you will know what causes it. So the best way to permanently fix it is to avoid the cause.

If you snored for the most of your life, these solutions may not work for you. In that case you need to try anti snoring devices. They are proven to work and you will see fast result.

Most individuals do not take snoring seriously. They brush it off as something routine and part of life. They do not know that it can cause some serious health complications. For example, it was recently discovered that pregnant women who snore and have high blood pressure are at high risk for obstructive sleep apnea. Snoring often happens in pregnancy. It can cause complications in your brain, lungs, heart and affect you psychologically.

Another problem is that snores reduce the quality of sleep. Not just for the snorer but for those around him/her as well. On average, persons who sleep next to snorers lose one hour of sleep every night. This alone can lead to irritability, fatigue, difficulty in concentration and high blood pressure.

One of the ways people deal with the problem is by sleeping in separate rooms. This is never good for a relationship and causes a loss of intimacy.

It’s interesting that snoring happens more often in men than in women. This is partially because men have narrower air passages.

Also, more people start to snore as they get older. This is because aging reduces lumen size of airways as well as muscle tone.

Throat Exercises to Stop Snoring

Throat Exercises to Stop Snoring

Start doing these exercises slowly. After a few days or weeks, you can increase the number of sets. People often complain that they do not have enough time to do them.

The trick is to combine these exercises with every day activities such as taking a shower or commuting to work.

How they can help reduce or stop loud snores? By strengthening the muscles in the throat. These muscles are weak in some people, especially in overweight and elderly.

As a result they relax during sleep, narrowing the airway, which in turn causes snoring vibrations.

Another exercise not mentioned in the video is sipping through a straw. Or you can imitate the process by inhaling through pursed lips. Do this several times a day.

Singing exercise is one more thing you can try. A 2013 study carried out by the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital has found that singing can reduce snoring. People who for three months sung the sounds “ung” and “gar” were able to reduce the severity, frequency and loudness of snoring.

A similar results can be achieved by playing the didgeridoo – Aboriginal wind instrument. This is confirmed by a study from the University of Zurich. If you cannot find this instrument, you can use tuba, trumpet or clarinet.

One of the reasons why people snore is that soft palate is weak and sloppy. It must have a certain amount of tone. How to make sure it’s in good condition? Gargling. Put a small amount of fluid toward the back of your throat, tilt your head back, and start gargling. Do this before brushing your teeth.

A study published in 2009 in The American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine showed that throat exercises, such as swallowing and chewing motions and pronouncing vowels quickly can reduce the severity of the condition by 39%.


Best Snore Prevention Device – Smart Nora Review
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