HairMax LaserBand 82 is an incredible hair rejuvenation product. If you’re losing hair then this laser headband can help regrow your hair in the places where hair is really thinning.
It’s something that many men and women can use to regrow hair where they are able to regrow it.
LaserBand 82 is FDA-cleared, clinically proven hair regrowth device.
What does that mean?
In order to get FDA clearance they had to prove through clinical trials that the device was safe and effective. They has seven clinical studies with 460 men and women.
Keep in mind that it’s not a cure for baldness. You have to keep using it.
What it can do is it can help men and women in early to moderate stages of hair loss to regrow their hair and grow it fuller and denser and healthier.
The laser band can help regrow hair when it’s used three times a week for 90 seconds per treatment.
However, where the hair follicles have already died and you have a shiny bald scalp, those follicles cannot be revitalized.
On the other hand, where hair follicles appear to still be active, the laser band can help to rejuvenate and revitalize and energize them.
This is for people who have thinning hair and they still have hope. In other words, for men and women who are starting to notice that their hair is getting thinner.
Balding is a huge issue for men, while for women it is not so much balding but hair loss. Unlike guys, when women start losing their hair, they cannot shave it off and look great.
When a woman starts to lose her hair, it’s devastating, it’s very emotional and she has to do something.
HairMax also has a shampoo to help you get better benefits from the laser band and from the laser light treatment. It helps cleanse the scalp, be gentle on the hair, exfoliate the scalp and get the scalp healthy. When you use the laser device on the scalp, you’re really going to get the best results.
You just put this leaser band on your head. First keep it in the front of the scalp for 30 seconds, then move it to the middle and keep it there for another 30 seconds and then move it to the back of the head for the last 30 seconds.
You’re covering the three areas of your scalp. 82 lasers per area gives you a scalp coverage of 246 lasers. 90 seconds, three times a week!
And that’s it!
Another great thing is that this device is recommended by hair transplant doctors to be used after hair transplant. So even if you had a hair transplant, the laser light treatment can help you retain and see better results.
When doing this treatment, it is important to be consistent. You don’t want to miss a week for example. You could miss the day or two, but you should use the device every other day.
One of the great features about this device is that it’s very lightweight and small so you don’t have to wear some huge device on your head.
Some people ask why this device is better than the laser hair comb.
It’s not better. It’s just a different type of treatment.
With the handheld device, you would comb over your scalp, very slowly in a combing motion. That would be better suited for people who want to treat certain areas of the scalp.
Let’s say you only want to treat that balding spot in the back or you only want to treat your temple area. That’s a different option.
Some people buy both products. The comb is smaller and they take that on the road, but leave laser band for home. They’re interchangeable so you can go a couple days using the comb instead of using the headband.
How long would it take to see results in the areas that you could grow hair?
Most people will see results in 12 to16 weeks!
How does LaserBand 82 works!
It’s 655 nanometers of laser light. That is the wavelength that has been proven to grow hair.
It works through a process of the photobio stimulation, which is similar to photosynthesis that causes growth in plants.
The laser device delivers nourishing light energy to stimulate hair follicles at a cellular level.
- Energizes and awakens follicles
- Restores hair growth cycle
- Reverses thinning process
- Increases density and fullness
- Rejuvenates aging hair
- Revitalizes damaged hair
I don’t think this is a very expensive product for what it’s doing. It’s absolutely affordable, it’s a one-time purchase. There’s no ongoing cost, it’s not like a topical drug that you have to keep buying.
Make sure you’re using it on a clean scalp, no buildup of any kind of hair sprays or gels that can block the laser light from getting to the follicle.
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Dr. Daniel Man, Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, talks about how HairMax LaserBand 82 works to treat hair loss:
“Many men and women find out that fifty percent of the hair has been lost before they even notice it. Ninety percent of the hair loss is actually heredity. We get it from our parents.
The follicles get smaller, they don’t get as much blood supply to the area and when the follicles shrink, they are suffering and that explains the hair loss.
It happens over fairly short time and when we want to look the best, hair is not there. So we want to do something to improve it.
Using HairMax laser to actually grow hair would be beneficial for patients and the sooner they do it, the better it is. They can overcome that immediate hair loss. That phase can be reversed now.
Maybe they’re not going to need any surgical improvement.
What is so special about this HairMax laser band device is that it is a very attractive cradle that encompasses 82 laser modules.
These are very effective because they are condensed in a fairly large area and covers a very large portion of the scalp when treated.
The advantage of the teeth in the laser head device is that it parts the hair and allows the laser beam to reach the follicle and therefore be a lot more effective compared to other devices.
We can cover the entire scalp treating it. The front of the scalp first, then moving it back to the middle portion of the scalp and then moving it to the back. So the entire scalp is covered with this device.
I like this idea of using something that is simple to use and effective at the same time and also that it has a very nice design to it. It’s attractive compared to anything else that is in the market.
If you use the device properly, I think that a lot of people would be convinced and they’ll tell their friends about it, that it was easy to use, it’s comfortable and it shows good results. And that’s what they are looking for.
As a board certified plastic surgeon I thought that this would be very important to introduce to our patients because not only their face and the body needs to look better but also their hair. As they get older, the hair is being lost. We want to do something to improve it and make them happier about that.”
Review by Rebecca Brand
I have Androgenetic alopecia. What’s that? It is hair loss. I am losing my hair. I grew up with super thick, long blond hair. But as we get older, our hair thins, whether you’re a girl or a guy. Girls often have this issue I have. It’s just how we are genetically put together and hair loss is part of that.
Thinning hair can happen even just by the way how you manage your hair and blowdry it and brush combs through it. I’m always tugging at the hairline. I see that my part has less hair than the rest of my head because I’m always working with it, which tends to pull out the pieces of hair right in that part.
Where my hair isn’t parted is much thicker. But when I do my natural part, which is brushing it out, it’s gonna fall there naturally, but that has hair thinning. Also on my temples I have a lot of hair thinning. You can see those hair follicles that are missing in action.
HairMax made Laserband 82 that helps restore my hair where it’s thinning.
The photo bio stimulation is what stimulates my hair follicles to produce new growth.
The HairMax laser band is good for guys and girls.
It has the FDA clearance for females with androgenetic alopecia.
Let me show you how it works.
I turned it on and now I’m putting it on my head and I was starting in the front band. This is an area for me that has the most thinning.
These teeth on it are medium sized but you can get longer or shorter depending on your hair.
It will stay there for 30 seconds and then it’s going to vibrate to tell me it’s time to move.
Next I go to the mid section on my head. It goes all around the crown because the very crown gets a lot of tugging with my styling and I’m losing hair there too.
It’s really comfortable, it’s not too heavy and it comes with the charger. You charge it the first time 4-5 hours.
Take it off after 90 seconds. It’s that fast.
I only need to use this three times a week. That’s what it’s directed for. You can use it more, it’s not gonna hurt you, but three times a week is good for me.
The on/off switch is really simple. So I just turn it off when I’m done. I even wear this when I’m doing stuff in the kitchen.
I’ve had experience with these photo light stimulators for hair growth and they used to have just one and you get a Groupon for that. So I would go six times a week for those things and take up all my time in those appointments.
This is one you can do at your house by yourself without any hassles to have to have to be in a nursing office, to have a doctor or a nurse do the treatments on you.
That was so expensive and it was so much of a time waster.
I believe in the results for this little light laser treatment. I’ve seen them work before. I’ve given some of my friends to check out too. They love them, they’re using them and it’s working for them.
So many people in society are affected with hair loss. For me it’s very embarrassing. If I pull my hair back you can see all those thin areas of hair. That’s why I tend to wear my hair down a little bit to cover those thin areas.
HairMax has a whole line of products for thinning hair to help you fill out your hair and have your hair follicles grow new hair and thicker hair.
HairMax has invested in more clinical studies on light energy for hair growth than any other company to date. It has seven clinical studies with 460 men and women that have completed this laser device treatment.
The clinical studies are conducted at top medical research centers such as the Cleveland Clinic, the University of Miami and University of Minnesota and they’ve resulted in seven FDA clearances.
They’ve been in the business since year 2000 so they are top in the industry. It has six published peer reviews in journals.
The laser band 82 delivers therapeutic light energy, which is a low-level laser, directly to my hair follicles through 82 medical grade lasers to treat hair loss and promote hair growth.
Their clinical studies documented that in six months, there’s an average of a 129 new hair follicles in a one inch place on your head. That’s amazing.
This is the fastest hair loss treatment on the market and it’s so lightweight I take for traveling too.
HairMax is a pioneer for laser hair regrowth technology and it’s the undisputed global leader in the field.
I am so happy that I can bring doctor recommended laser therapy for my hair follicles to my home, without having to go to those appointments.
HairMax laser devices are game-changers in the hair loss industry. It is a safe and effective treatment for a genetic hair loss.
I always want to have the most healthy and pretty hair. HairMax has helped me.
HairMax Laserband 82 Hair Growth Device Results
Click here to get one of these HairMax laser bands.