Ingenious Fire Protection Product Every Home Needs!

fire protection product

Ting is a fire protection product that works – and works really well.

It eradicates the worst type of home fires, those caused by electrical malfunctions.

This really smart sensor watches over your entire home and all you have to do is plug it in.

fire protection product

Thousands of homes and families are now protected by Ting. All expectations have been exceeded because of its ability to improve homeowner safety and peace of mind.

The sensor detects faults earlier in their formation. It covers the whole house no matter where you plugged it in. It is suitable for all homes regardless of their age or size.

Ting by Whisker Labs - Explainer Video

Electrical fires are the worst – on average, 50,000 homes a year are impacted. This means that every 10 minutes there is a home fire in the U.S caused by damaged wires, loose connections or faulty appliances.

Most people believe that their home’s electrical systems are healthy.

They don’t understand that home electrical infrastructure – hidden mostly behind walls – is not resistant to time.

Besides general electrical malfunctions, there could be deterioration of conductor insulation, water or lightning damage, weather or pest infiltration, poor workmanship during building or renovation, etc.

Add to that that we are plugging more and more devices and appliances into our home’s electrical system.

For example, Ting has caught this melted and damaged wiring behind an outlet:

damaged wiring

Ting sensor monitors all of this, including devices connected to your electrical system.

You cannot dismiss it simply because no hazards have been detected – yet.

Aging homes are a global problem. Of the 80+ million homes in the U.S., more than 50% are older than 40 years. They present a higher risk of electrical faults that lead to fires. But younger homes are also at risk.

Of course, not every fault Ting detects would cause a fire, but are you willing to take on that risk?

Ting Fire Protection Product Features

electrical fire prevention

It detects the main precursors to electrical fires: micro-arcs and sparks. In most cases, these signals develop over weeks and months. Advanced warnings give you plenty of time to address these issues, before they start an electrical fire.

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When you buy the Ting service for $349, you get:

  • A sensor, which is installed in 2 minutes.
  • A mobile app.
  • Home monitoring and notifications.
  • A $1,000 credit for the identification and repair of an electrical fire hazard.
  • One year of service. Each year thereafter is $99.

If an electrical fire hazard is detected, you will be contacted by a support team. If a serious fire hazard is detected, they will dispatch an electrician to repair the hazard. A $1,000 credit will be used for the electrician’s service.

Ting also monitors the power quality in your home. It provides real-time notifications of power outages, power surges, and brownouts that could damage your appliances and electronics.

prevent house fire

Keep in mind that you still need a smoke detector in your home. Ting does not alert you when a fire in your home starts. Fires can be started by other means, not just by electrical faults.

It’s important that you keep Ting installed at all times so it can monitor your electrical network for any hazards that may appear over time.

ting testimonial

ting review

How to Prevent House Fires Caused by Electrical Equipment

Using Ting fire protection product is the best thing you can do for your home, but you should also keep in mind these tips.

Electricity is involved in around two-thirds of accidental house fires, with household appliances been the most common culprits.


Did you know that electrical fires are responsible for almost two billion dollars worth of damage each year? And why not. Look around you, we use electricity for almost every comfort in the house and that’s why safeguarding against electrical hazards is so important.

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Sometimes fire is caused by faulty goods, which could be small items, like mobile charges or larger items, like washing machines and dryers.

Fires are also caused by people misusing electrical appliances, such as leaving them on charge for too long or cover them up and allowing them to overheat.

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It is very hard to notice when electrical fires actually start. They can happen anywhere in your home, but most common places are living room and bedroom. The main reason are loose electrical outlets.

When fire starts in the wall, it is hard to notice. They can grow quickly before you do notice it. You’ll smell an acrid odor and you will feel the heat within the wall.

Here are 11 simple steps that you can take to help prevent electrical fires.

1. Check for frayed wiring. Cables should be encased in a plastic sheath with no signs of damage, cracking or splitting. Damaged cable should be replaced as these can spark fires.

2. Don’t leave things like mobile phones and laptops on charge overnight or beyond the recommended charging time. Make sure the chargers are compatible with the devices.

3. Plugs and sockets should not be damaged, display burn marks or produce excessive heat. Replace the plugs and get the advice of an electrician.

4. Overloaded sockets can cause fires. If too many appliances draw power from the single socket, it can overheat and catch fire. Install extra sockets instead of relying on adapters and extension leads.

5. Light fittings shouldn’t be visibly damaged, including signs of cracking or burnt wiring. If you discover anything like this, contact a trained electrician.

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6. You can reduce the risk by unplugging all appliances that you don’t use.

7. Extension cords shouldn’t be used as a permanent solution. Also, overloaded circuits and extension cords that ran under rugs or carpets can cause fires.

8. The labeling on the door of the breaker box is very important, because if there’s a problem in the house, you can shut down the source of the problem without having to search for it. Also, a lot of people leave the doors on the breaker box open. If there’s going to be a problem in the breaker box, keep it in the box. In other words, close it.

9. Every lamp and fixture is marked with information about what wattage bulb it needs. Using a 100 watt bulb in a fixture marked for 60 watts is asking for trouble. Higher wattage bulbs can damage the fixture, which leads to fire. If you need more light, don’t increase the wattage. Add another lamp.

10. Take a look at your cords, for instance, extension cord. Look closely at where that goes into the plug. If it’s frayed, if it’s damaged, it is a nightmare waiting to happen. Also if you reach to grab a cord and it feels warm, warmer than the others around it, that’s a good sign of a bad cord.

11. Most of us know that electricity and water do not go together. But at any given time, the hairdryer can end up in the sink. That’s why the outlet beside the sink should be GFCI, which stands for ground fault circuit interrupter and it’s there to protect you and to keep you from being electrocuted. Think of the areas where these need to be, anywhere where electricity has close proximity to water. That would be the kitchen, the laundry room, the utility room as well as all of your bathroom.

Ingenious Fire Protection Product Every Home Needs!
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