Different Espresso Drinks Explained: Guide for Coffee Lovers

Espresso Drink

Espresso Drink

What’s the difference between popular espresso drinks like Cappuccino, Latte, Flat White or Cortado?

This video also covers all black coffee options based on the single or double espresso shot.

You will see all the coffee drinks side-by-side!

All Espresso Drinks Explained: Cappuccino vs Latte vs Flat White and more!

Summary of the video:

Coffee drinks are divided into two categories: black coffee and milk coffee.

  • Black Coffee Overview:
    • Single Espresso: Small, intense coffee (20–30ml), recommended to stir before drinking.
    • Double Espresso: Two shots served in a larger cup; better value than two Single Espressos.
    • Americano: Espresso diluted with 100–120ml hot water for a milder flavor.
    • Lungo: Longer espresso shot or diluted espresso for a less intense taste.
    • Filter Coffee: Brewed manually or in batches, offering refined flavors and larger servings.
  • Milk Coffee Drinks Explained:
    • Cappuccino: Single Espresso with foamed milk (150–200ml cup); popular worldwide.
    • Macchiato: Single Espresso with a small amount of foamed milk; 1:1 to 1:2 ratio.
    • Cortado: Single Espresso with foamed milk in a 100–120ml glass; 1:4 ratio.
    • Flat White: Double Espresso with foamed milk; stronger flavor in a Cappuccino-sized cup.
    • Café Latte: Single Espresso with lots of milk in a large cup (300ml); 1:14 ratio.
  • Popularity of Coffee Types:
    • 68% of orders are for milk coffee, with Cappuccino being the most popular (37%).
    • Flat White (16%) and Café Latte (11%) follow.
    • Among black coffees, Batch Brew (16%) leads, followed by Espresso (7%).
  • Specialty Drinks:
    • Mention of other espresso-based drinks like Espresso Tonic and Freddo Espresso, featured in separate videos.
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Different Espresso Drinks Espresso Drinks Explained Espresso Drinks Guide

Different Espresso Drinks Explained: Guide for Coffee Lovers
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